Ewaluacja uczniowie na koniec roku 2015:
Czy brałeś/aś aktywny
udział w projekcie „Youth involvement in Europe” „Młodzi zaangażowani w
Europę” (tworzyłeś/aś signpost, dream job, pomoc środowisku, informacje o
Wielkanocy i inne)
100 %
Jak dowiedziałeś się o
istnieniu projektu? (można zaznaczyć kilka)
a. od
kolegów/ koleżanek
a. od
wychowawcy klasy
b. z
gazetki dla rodziców
c. ze
strony internetowej szkoły/projektu
d. z
innego źródła
Czy uważasz, że projekt
jest w szkole potrzebny?
jesteś zadowolony, ze brałeś/aś udział w projekcie?
Jak korzyści
uzyskałeś/aś uczestnicząc w projekcie?
ćwiczę j.
polepszam umiejętność komunikowania
się z ludźmi
ćwiczę umiejętności twórcze –
wykonywanie jakiejś rzeczy
ćwicząc umiejętność pracy w grupie
żadne z wymienionych
wszystkie wymienione
Czy tego typu projekty
powinny być realizowane w szkole?
Czy uważasz, ze
komunikacja z partnerami projektu podczas wizyt pozwoliła Ci przełamać stereotypy
o danych krajach
uważasz, że spotkanie partnerów projektu pozwoli ci w przyszłości być
bardziej tolerancyjnym wobec innych kultur i narodowości?
sądzisz, ze młodzi ludzie powinni wiedzieć więcej na temat Unii Europejskiej
i wydarzeń jakie mają w niej miejsce,
aby móc w przyszłości zmieniać UE?
w czasie trwania projektu do tej pory miałeś okazję nauczyć się lub
dowiedzieć się czegoś o krajach partnerskich?
umiesz podać kilka informacji o krajach naszych partnerów np. jak wygląda
flaga, pokazać na mapie kraj partnerski powiedzieć o jakimś ich zwyczaju lub
nauczyłeś się do tej pory czegoś nowego (np. nabyłeś jakieś wiadomości o Unii
Europejskiej, wykonywać jakąś rzecz której wcześniej nie umiałeś/aś robić?
opowiadasz o udziale w projekcie swoim znajomym lub rodzinie?
Czy odwiedzasz strony
internetowe poświęcone projektowi (www.facebook.com/pages/Youth-involvement-in-Europe-czyli-Comenius-w-Gimnazjum-nr-16/637458166287473
, http://gim16ourfutureineurope.blogspot.com , https://sites.google.com/site/youthineuropede/home)?
Evaluation Ubeda
Students who were in Ubeda answer
the questionnaire about the visit.
Thirty five students filled the
questionnaire. Large majority of the students have had opportunity of speaking
English with other people, 77,15% claim that it was enough for them and some of
them 25,71 % (9 students) claim they have had the opportunity but not too much
None of the students were too ashamed to speak with other people or haven’t had
opportunity of speaking English.
Students have found out a lot of
information. They have learnt about the culture (77,15%), they have tasted the
traditional dishes (74,3%). Large majority of the students have learnt new
words in Spanish language (80%!!!) it is more students than in any other
visit !!!. Students learnt about
history (34,3%) and monuments (48,5%). Less than a half (40%) have found out
the tradition of other countries. Few students have found out about the
educational system (22,8%) and famous people (11,4%).
Like always the most important
thing for the students during mobility was to make friends with other teenagers
(91,4%!!!), for a half of them the most important thing was to get to know new
country (51,4%) and for one third 34,3% it was important to taste new dishes.
Large majority of the
students (80%) found the stay in Ubeda as a very satisfying experience. Staying
in Ubeda was stressful at the beginning for 20% of students. It was probably
because the stayed at the host families for the first time. Only one student
did not like staying in Ubeda but he/she was glad she/he could come.
Most of the students are going to
keep in touch with their new friends (85,7%), Only 11,42% are not sure about
it. Any student is not interested in keeping in touch with new friends. One of
them aren’t sure and said “maybe”
The students like both sightseeing
Ubeda more than team – work 54,3% and
71,43%, three students answered that it was something else but they didn’t
Large majority of the students think that they have improved their
English (74,3 %), because they :
talked to other people
Spoke a lot
Talked to other teenagers from the project
Had the chance to speak English
to other people
Used English in practice
Talked a lot
Learnt thousand of different accents
Spoke English all the time with friends
Some of the students 20% think they
didn’t improve they English because they:
Can speak English
Didn’t learn new words
Use a lot English at school
Talked with only few students
Some of the students have add
comments. They think that:
He/she wanted to eat with less olive oil
Everybody should have eaten together
She/he could have had more free time and more time to sleep but she/he
had a great time in Spain
We had a great time
She/he had best week of her/his life
This week was a once in a life time experience and he/she is glad he/she
could be there
She/he made so many friends, Spanish people are very nice and friendly,
he/she hopes to come back
She/he had a lot of fun and it was nice to visit other country and
talked to people from different countries,
She/he wish the trip had been longer
She/he learnt to speak a little Spanish, made a lot of new friends. All
the people were friendly and spoke English well
She/he thinks it was an amazing trip, he/she met a lot of people and
made a lot of friends. The school has an interesting design and he/she liked it
a lot
It was a nice experience in Spain and she/he hopes to came back to Spain
The trip was a great experience and she/he liked the Spanish people
Everybody was so friendly, everybody wanted to help
Thank you for everything
Evaluation Plovdiv
Thirty three students who have been in Plovdiv
filled the questionnaire. More than a half of the students have had opportunity
of speaking English with other people, 54,55% claim that it was enough for
them, 33,3% students have had the opportunity but not too much, One the
students was too ashamed to speak with other people or and three students think
they haven’t had any opportunity of speaking English.
Students have found out a lot of information.
They have learnt the most about the traditions of other countries (78,79%), because of the topic of the meeting
they have found out about the culture (69,7%) tasted the traditional dishes
(48,48%). More than half of the students
have learnt new words in Bulgarian language (54,55%). One third have learnt
about history (33,33%) and monuments (24,24%). A few of the students have found
out about the educational system (12,12%) and famous people (15,15%).
The most important thing for the students
during mobility was to get to know new country (78,79%) and on the second place
make friends with other teenagers (66,67%), for 33,33% it was important to
taste new dishes.
Most of the students (72,73%) found the stay in
Bulgaria as a very satisfying experience, for some of them 21,21% it was stressful
at the beginning but they were content to be there. Three students did not like
the stay in Bulgaria but they were glad they could come.
Most of the students are going to keep in touch
with their new friends (78,79%), 21,21% are not sure about it. Any student is
not interested in keeping in touch with new friends.
students like sightseeing Bulgaria most (69,7%) and more than a half (51,52%)
like team work most, 24,24% of students like other things the most. They didn’t
mention what it was.
A large
majority of the students (81,82 % ) think they have improved their English, but
18,18% students don’t think so.
students have add comments. They think that:
She/he wants to come back to Plovdiv
She/he will miss Bulgaria
It was a very beautiful place and she/he wants to come there again
All things were fantastic
She/he made new friends and she/he loved staying there
The mobility was perfect
It was a very fun experience and she/he wish she would be able to come
again without the stress concerning with introducing new people
The people were very friendly, she/he made many friends
It was a beautiful experience
The people were very friendly and she/he wants to have more experiences
like that
It was wonderful
She/he liked everything
This experience was very interesting and wonderful
Bulgaria is a beautiful country
She/he liked a black swan
She/he didn’t find the supermarket near the hotel
She/he liked the rose oil factory
Bulgaria is an unique country and she/he liked mosque
The food prices are low
Evaluation Izmir
Students who were in Izmir answer the
questionnaire about the visit.
Forty two students filled the questionnaire. More
than a half of the students have had opportunity of speaking English with other
people, 33,33% claim that it was enough for them. None of the students were too
ashamed to speak with other people or haven’t had opportunity of speaking
Students have found out a lot of information.
They have learnt about the culture (66,67%), they have tasted the traditional
dishes (52,38%). Large majority of the students have learnt new words in Turkish
language (69,05%) it is much more than in any other visit. It might be
because all the students stayed at the host families. Students learnt about history (38,1%) and monuments
(21,43%). Less than a half (35,71%) have found out the tradition of other
countries. Few students have found out about the educational system (14,28%)
and famous people (9,52%). One student mentioned that he learned about Turkish
Like always the most important thing for the
students during mobility was to make friends with other teenagers (73,81%),
for more than a half of them the most important thing was to get to know new
country (59,52%) and for one third 38,1% it was important to taste new dishes.
One student add that the most important was to get to know about the culture.
Most of the students (57,14%) found the stay in
Turkey as a very satisfying experience. Staying in Izmir was stressful at the
beginning for one third of students. It was probably because the stayed at the
host families for the first time. Nether less they thought it was worth
staying at the host families. Only 4,76% of did not like the stay in Izmir
but they were glad they could come.
Students added that they liked Turkey a lot and
found out that people were nice. Other student wrote that he/she had been
scared at the beginning but later he wished to stay longer there, third student
added that it had been really nice.
Most of the students are going to keep in touch
with their new friends (71,43%), 28,57% are not sure about it. Any student is
not interested in keeping in touch with new friends.
The students like both sightseeing Izmir and team
work 47,62% and 42,68%, eight students
added that they liked making friends the most.
More than a half students think that they have
improve their English (57,14 %), because :
- They had to speak English all the time
- They spoke a lot in English
- They learned new words
- Some students from Finland know English very well so they improved their English speaking with them
- They had to talk about different thing in many ways
- They had to speak with many different people in the way they could understand
One third of the students (33,3%) think they
don’t improved their English, as a reason for that they wrote:
- They know English very well, so they don’t need it
- They spoke in Turkish because they know it
- They didn’t speak with other people
Some of the students have add comments. They think
- He/she learned a lot about the culture by staying with a family
- He/she ate good food
- They laughed a lot
- He/she think it was very funny
- The mobility and the people were great
- Although the people in Turkey don’t know English very well they are wonderful people, very kind and he/she wish to see them again
- He/she loves Turkey and Izmir. He/she likes all these people there. He/she will visit Turkey again
- Huge love
- The people were nice and it was funny
- The people were kind and it was funny to speak other language
Decisions discussed in Izmir:
comic is on its way according to the schedule, so nothing to worry about.
to the comic, each country should choose a cover front
page for it, and that they would be painted on walls in the visit in Spain,
every one of them, by mixed-nationality groups.
diaries should be uploaded in the blogs.
the 20th of October all students should be registered in TwinSpace,
where a question will be posted weekly, one country per week. The first
question is to be posted by Poland, and then all the countries will follow in
alphabetical order.
- making a video which will summarize these two years in the
project. Create a Dropbox folder (which right now is empty)
where we can upload pictures, videos and everything we feel can be included
in the summary video. Alternatively, we can just bring a flash drive to
Bulgaria with all the material and give it to Spanish
teacher. Spanish team will make the film.
- Create the questionnaire about youth rights in the EU - Spanish team.
- visit in Bulgaria, every country should prepare a
presentation or a video on religious celebrations (for example Easter in Greece
or Romania, Semana Santa in Spain…). Besides, students should bring more
material on the same topic to create posters.
W ankiecie wzięło udział
75 uczniów
Czy klasa, którą wybrałeś spełnia Twoje oczekiwania?
tak 82,7%
nie 17,3%
Jakie były powody, dla których wybrałeś naszą szkołę?
to moja szkoła rejonowa 30,7%
zapisali mnie tutaj rodzice 10,7%
zachęcili mnie koledzy/koleżanki 28%
zachęcili mnie moi nauczyciele ze szkoły podstawowej 4%
e) podobały mi się „Dni Otwarte” 44% (dni związane z projektem Comenius)
ciekawa oferta klas 32%
g) inne (jakie?)
- mieszkam bardzo blisko
- chodzi tu mój brat
- nie dostałem się do
innych szkół
- podoba mi się ta szkoła
i znam tu dużo ludzi
- ta szkoła była normalna
Evaluation Larissa
Thirty nine
students who have been in Larissa filled the questionnaire. Large majority of
the students have had opportunity of speaking English with other people, 69%
claim that it was enough for them, 30% students have had the opportunity but
not too much, None of the students were too ashamed to speak with other people
or haven’t had opportunity of speaking English.
have found out a lot of information. They have learnt about the culture (71%),
they have tasted the traditional dishes (69%). More than half of the students have learnt new words in Greek
language (64%) and learnt about history (61%) and monuments (58%). Less than a
half (43%) have found out the tradition of other countries. One third of the
students have found out about the educational system (33%) and famous people
(35%). About 7% found out something more during the meeting. The students
mentioned f.e. dances.
The most
important thing for the students during mobility was to make friends with other
teenagers (87%), for some of them the most important thing was to get to know
new culture (25%) and for 12% it was important to taste new dishes.
Most of the
students (76%) found the stay in Greece as a very satisfying experience, only 7%
of the students think it was stressful at the beginning but they were content
to be there. Three students did not like the stay in Romania but they were glad
they could come.
Most of the
students are going to keep in touch with their new friends (82%), 20% are not
sure about it. Any student is not interested in keeping in touch with new
students like sightseeing Greece most (79%) and less than a half (43%) like
team work most, 7% of students like sports activities and other things for
example meeting new people who are like them (17%).
A large
majority of the students (69 % ) think they have improved their English, but
28% students don’t think so.
students have add comments. They think that:
- it was great and thanks for giving the opportunity to improve his/her English, to socialize and make new friends,
- Greece is very beautiful,
- Comenius is a great experience, he/she had a chance to meet a lot of wonderful people and travel to other place,
- Everything was perfect and he/she doesn’t think it need any comments,
- The student would like to keep in touch with new friends and promise to try to talk to them on facebook,
- The Greek people are very funny and they can speak English very well,
- Thanks for the opportunity,
- Thank you for this experience, the student will remember it for a long time,
- Thanks for the opportunity,
- The students from other country won’t easily talk to Finns because they already knew each others but it has been very fun time,
- The students had a lot of fun,
- Lovely trip, thank you,
- Greece is beautiful. The student likes it,
- The student enjoyed his visit in Greece,
- The student is grateful that he/she could take part in Comenius project. It was one of the best experience in her/his life. She/he already miss everyone and She/he wants to come back to Greece,
- Water in Greece is great,
- The student will miss Greece and people, the student loves them so much and thanks to Comenius for everything.
Decisions taken at the 3rd working
meeting in Larissa, Greece
1. A competition
for the front cover of the comic book to be held in the beginning of next
school year.
2. Communication
platforms - Forum in the website – a clear proof of communication as the site
is a product and it is to be mentioned in the final report.
3. Upload
documents by sending them to Kattie, pointing out the exact place they are to
be put in.
4. Item 18
in the work program
– small gifts > bracelet workshop in Spain.
- each country
uploads five photos from the 1st year in the website> a
collection of photos/item 18/.
6. Working
meeting in Turkey:
a) Each
school makes a signpost, using a tree, traditional for their country, e .g. a
birch tree for Finland; takes a photo of it and uploads it in the website;
b) Each
school prepares something on an environmental issue, typical for their country
– e.g. a poster, drawing, etc. - the teams in Turkey make a joint product in
any form they choose.
B. Diary
a) In
Turkey - Students make entries on the following topics (in the following
- Hobbies
and sports;
- Music and
- Values.
Preparations – photos from activities they have practiced, other useful
Evaluation Bucharest - description
Thirty six
students who have been in Bucharest filled the questionnaire. Most of the
students (69,44 %) have had enough opportunity of speaking English with other
people, 25% have had the opportunity but according to them not too much, two of
the students were too ashamed to speak with other people.
have found out a lot of information. They have learnt about the culture
(66,67%), they have tasted the traditional dishes (61,11%). More than half of the students have learnt new words in
Romanian language (55,56%). Some of them (41,67%) have found out the history of
other countries One third of the students have found out about the monuments of
other countries, have learnt about educational system and the traditions of other
countries. About 20% have learnt about famous people (22,22%) and found out
something more (16,67%) during the meeting.
The most
important thing for the students during mobility was to make friends with other
teenagers (91,67%), for some of them the most important thing was to get to
know new culture (36,11%) and for 11,11% it was important to taste new dishes.
Most of the
students (83,33%) found the stay in Romania as a very satisfying experience,
only 11,11% of the students think it was stressful at the beginning but they
were content to be there. Two students did not like the stay in Romania but
they were glad they could come.
Most of the
students are going to keep in touch with their new friends (72,22%), 22,22% are
not sure about it. Only one student is not interested in keeping in touch with
new friends.
students like sightseeing Bucharest most (58,33%) and one in the third like
sport activities, team – work and others for example meeting boys.
Most of the
students (94,44 % ) think they have improved their English. Only two students
don’t think so.
students have add comments. They would like to repeat the visit and see their
friends from other country again. Three students had a great time in Romania
and they want to visit Romania again. One of the students is thankful to
teachers for the visit and new friends for friendship.
Discussion points:
1. The date for our visit in Spain was changed. New: 12th April 2015
- 17th April 2015 (because of the exams in
the different countries.)
2. Bulgary started creating the comic. The following countries are: Greece, Germany,
Turkey, Poland, Finland, Romania and the last one is Spain.
storyline: Comenix comes from space and "collects" characters from the
different countries in order to build a new nation on his planet. He
gets to know about the environmental problems. In the end he sees that
there is no need to union the countries because of the EU :-)
The exact storyline has to be send to the previous country during
the working process. Each country has one month to continue the comic.
3. Communication among the students has to be improved! A twinspace has been created by Germany. http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p103956.
Evaluation questionaire - students involved in meeting in Bucharest
Evaluation questionnaire
Choose the best answer/answers
to each question.
- During the mobility, have you had any opportunity of speaking English with other people?
a. yes, enough
b. yes, but not too much
c. no, I haven't had any opportunity
d. no because I was ashamed
- What information about our partners' countries have you found out?
a. the culture of other
b. the history of other
c. the monuments of
other countries
d. the traditional
dishes of other countries
e. the traditions of
other countries
f. the famous people
g. the educational
h. new words in the
Romanian language
i. others......
- What things are important to you during the mobility?
a. to make friends with
other teenagers
c. to get to know new countries
d. to taste new dishes
- The stay in Romania turned out to be
a. a very satisfying
b. stressful at the
begining but I am content
c. I didn't like it but
I am glad I could come
d. I am not satisfied at
- Are you going to keep in touch with your new friends?
a. yes
b. no
c. I don't know
- What did you like most?
a. sports activities
b. team – work
c. sightseeing Bucharest
d. others
- Do you think that you have improved your English?
a. yes
b. no
- Any other comments? Would you like to add anything?
Evaluation raport - parents
W ankiecie udział
wzięło 32 rodziców ( 27 kobiet i 3 mężczyzn)*
Pytanie 1.
wie Pani, że w Gimnazjum jest realizowany projekt „Youth involvement In Europe”
„Młodzi zaangażowani w Europę”?
tak – 93,75 % (30 osób)
nie – 6,25 % (2 osoby)
Pytanie 2.
dowiedziała się Pani/Pan o istnieniu projektu? (można zaznaczyć kilka)
od syna/córki – 78,1% (25 osób)
od wychowawcy klasy – 53,1% (17 osób)
z gazetki dla rodziców – 9,3% (3 osoby)
ze strony internetowej szkoły/projektu – 9,3% (3 osoby)
z innego źródła – 0% (0 osób)
Pytanie 3.
uważa Pani/Pan, że projekt jest w szkole potrzebny?
tak – 100 % (32 osoby)
nie – 0 % (0 osób)
Pytanie 4.*
wg Pani/Pana dziecko może skorzystać uczestnicząc w projekcie?
ćwicząc język angielski – 66,6% (21 osób)
polepszając umiejętność komunikowania się z ludźmi – 43,7% (14 osób)
ćwicząc umiejętności twórcze – wykonywanie jakiejś rzeczy – 31,25% (10 osób)
ćwicząc umiejętność pracy w grupie – 34,4% (11 osób)
żadne z wymienionych – 0% (0 osób)
wszystkie wymienione – 18,75% (6 osób)
Pytanie 5.
tego typu projekty powinny być realizowane w szkole?
tak – 100 % (32 osoby)
nie – 0% ( 0 osób)
nie wiem – 0 % ( 0 osób)
brak odpowiedzi – 6,25% (2 osoby)
*W pytaniu 2 i 4 rodzice mogli wskazać więcej
niż jedną odpowiedź.
2 osoby nie wypełniły metryczki
Evaluation raport - teachers:
W ankiecie udział
wzięły 23 uczniów osoby
Pytanie 1.
wg Pani/Pana projekt Youth involvement in Europe jest w szkole potrzebny?
tak – 100 % (23 osoby)
nie – 0 % (0 osób)
Pytanie 2.
korzyści przynosi wg Pani/Pana projekt? (można zaznaczyć więcej niż 1)
uczniowie uczą się nowych rzeczy – 100% (23 osoby)
uczniowie spędzają aktywnie czas po lekcjach – 91,3% (21 osób)
uczniowie mają szansę wyjechać do innego kraju – 100% (23 osoby)
uczniowie mają szansę w praktyce ćwiczyć znajomość języków obcych – 91,3% (21
inne – 13% (3 osoby)
Pytanie 3.
zachęca Pani/Pan uczniów do udziału w projekcie?
tak – 91,3 % (21 osób)
nie – 4,3% (1 osoba)
brak odpowiedzi – 4,3% (1 osoba)
Pytanie 4.
jest Pani/Pan informowana o działaniach projektowych w sposób wystarczający?
tak – 100% (23 osoby)
nie – 0% (0 osób)
Pytanie 5.
na pytanie 4 odpowiedź brzmi „nie”, to jakich informacji Pan/Pani oczekuje?
Brak odpowiedzi na to pytanie
Pytanie 6.
chciałaby Pani/Pan angażować się bardziej w działania projektowe?
tak – 47,8% (11 osób)
nie – 43,5% (10 osób)
brak odpowiedzi – 8,7% (2 osoby)
Pytanie 7.
odpowiedź na pytanie 6 brzmi „tak”, to w jaki sposób
reklamując projekt
przygotowując uczniów i imprezy
przygotowując konkursy związane z tematyką projektu
według potrzeb
pytaniu 2 nauczyciele mogli wskazać więcej niż jedną odpowiedź.
28.01.2014 Evaluation report - students
Summary of the first meeting
The first full project
meeting was held at Kesämäenrinteen koulu in Finland from October 7th-11th
There were teams from all eight partner
countries present and, as this was the first time that all partners were
together, time was spent on introductions and group-building exercises.
The formal agenda items and discussion
centred on organization of the project over the next two years. The proposed
project structure was reviewed and amended to maximize student mobilities
within the limits of the budget. Another issue raised was the importance of
travelling students having the possibility to stay with host families in order
to deepen the educational/cultural experience. The project website was
established at www.youthineurope.webs.com and each partner country agreed to make their own
national blog which would be linked to this website.
In the discussions, Poland and Bulgaria
said that they would have problems finding enough host families, while Romania
asked to be included in the programme of visits. The Finnish team said that it
would make a maximum of three visits because of its extra travelling costs
(Northern location!)
Effectively, Romania took the
activities connected to the cancelled visit to Poland, while Poland took the
activities previously allocated to Romania. Specific dates were made for the
first three mobilities.
Romania 24.3-28.3.14
Greece 5.5-9.5.14
Turkey 29.10-3.11.14
and provisional dates
for the last two
Bulgaria 23.3-27.3.15
Spain 4.5-8.5.15
It was agreed that the
host country would chair the respective project meetings.
The overall atmosphere of discussion
and joint decision making was very positive.
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